Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hello Out There!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my new blog. I'm the Producing Director of the RI International Film Festival here in Providence, RI. This blog is a place for folks who are interested in independent film to get together and discuss any number of film topics. Part of my New Year's resolution is to make a consistent effort to post new discussions onto this blog site.

Starting this blog reminds me of getting lost in Florence, Italy. I was there visiting my sister a couple of years back. It's a beautiful city and a great place to get lost in; that's part of its charm. You end up seeing things you might not have had an opportunity to see if you'd just stuck to the guide book.

So that brings me back to this blog: I'm not really sure where we'll end up, but I don't think that's important. What I am sure of is that we'll have a lot of fun, wherever we're going. If you have suggestions or questions for me, feel free to post them and get them up there. Things can get a little hectic around festival time (this year it's taking place August 7-12th!); I might not always be able to answer right away. But don't let that stop you, keep the discussions flowing.

When you get a chance, check out our festival web site for info on upcoming events. We've got some great things going on this year: "First Look" screenings, networking parties, holiday events, etc., etc.

Take a moment or two and let me know what you're interested in talking about. Hope to hear from you soon!